Yet, "How Many More" lives must be lost prematurely, either to rampant evil, or to the Godly and Loving Sacrifice of brethren laying down their lives for another? When will the madness STOP?
We must learn to stop and THINK!
LIFE is Precious! It is the one thing that we are unequivocally given by our Creator. So the greatest
But how many more women will excitedly wait for the birth of "their" son because he carries the seed of the generations to come, only to find him (or them) lain on the altar of death because the lovers of evil do not care whom they destroy? Most of America's citizens today -younger than 68 years of age, truly do not realize that this earth plane is meant to resemble the Heavenly Realm from which we have come. Yet, some place along the way, we (Americans) have quit believing in God Almighty almost completely, even though He is always at our side, and will never give up on us.
Before I go further, let me share that this piece is overly long. I have tried in every conceivable way to try to break it down, or remove it altogether and use it as an article later somewhere else in this site. I find I can not. I cannot, because the very vein, or core, of this piece is directed toward, and for, the "children" of America, some of whom are in their mid‑60's. But, I grieve for them all, because they have been cheated in so many ways. So, my Hope is that they will come here to learn. Then, I pray they will stay and grow at least a little in the Knowledge that I have, not only about this country ‑But also learn about the greater part meant for them in being Americans.
Though I speak from my viewpoint, for those of you younger than 75 years of age, every place I say "they", you can probably put "you". Because I am not talking about you, but rather, I grieve so deeply for you, and all that has not been taught to you thus far! And the reason is simple: many of you are extremely intelligent. But what you lack is Wisdom, or what we used to call "common sense". And common sense is found only when we believe in something, or some One greater than ourselves!
In the two years since it seemed that all of life as I ever knew it began to disintegrate, and within the intensive research I began to do in the wake of the "pandemic of lies" (from those whom America calls "leftists"), I came across the most beautiful word I've ever known! In the Yiddish language of the European Jewish communities, they have a word that so seems to say it all. The word they use is "beshert" ("beh‑sheer'‑t"). It has several meanings, but all of them point to God!
So in the Yiddish, beshert usually means, "Destiny". It can also mean: "From God", "It Was Meant to Be", "Divinely Destined", "Predestined", or "Predestinated", "Inevitable", and, "PreOrdained of, or by, God". And it is the word that survivors of the Nazi Shoah (or Holocaust) use over and over; because the few who survived understood, or understand, that what had taken place was from the whole of a Plan that was greater than themselves. And every single one of us has a Destiny that only WE, as AN INDIVIDUAL, can fill!
So this site has been created, because in the past 40 years, my grief has turned to horror to see Americans, even into their mid‑60's, who have no Faith in anything greater than themselves, no knowledge of how or why this country was founded, and no idea of how or why our forefathers came to this land and crafted the greatest documents ever known to mankind for freedom.
Our own children do not know that our forefathers created the incredible Constitution we have, because they wanted a place where all men could be free ‑in the right to worship their Creator!
Because our children, have been denied the very basics in education in the past sixty‑plus years, today most do not even know why we fight abroad, nor how ‑beyond what they view as the latest fad "thingy" (that they've been taught that they cannot live without), that we are supposed to defend our OWN homeland as well.
So these days, my grief is that with all the negative things taking place in the United States, sadly, I do know that our children are getting an understanding as to why it is crucial that we guard our own country's borders with diligence: especially one that is supposed to be free. But I would give the world for them not to attain this knowledge the way they are, knowing we ALL will be paying a massive price for the "dumbing down" of our generations for a very long time to come ‑if we can restore this great land at all.
To have Wisdom is THE most important thing any human can attain. But in my all‑too‑few years here, already knowledge was deemed a "waste of time", and our "ad‑ul'‑dren" (adult children) are the ones paying a ghastly price for the wretched way in which they were sacrificed on the altars of the self-satisfactions of those who chose palacial homes and monetary bonuses ‑in exchange for what little they themselves, were required to "teach". How sad that money is "shiny", and catches the eye!
Today, perhaps because we no longer have a "middle class", and both parents need to work just to pay off their massive debts incurred through the use of credit cards, most of our children cannot read, they cannot do math (not even to give the simple change that I knew how to make when I was 10 years old), and they cannot write. Their parents have not been home to work with them; and the teachers have neglected their job of teaching.
So, many of our children cannot even read a wall clock, unless it is a digital. How can it be that they cannot read simple numbers on a clock? And yet, these sweet babies are the ones who turn scarlet when they cannot make change for you in the store, and who hang their heads in shame when they come to tell you that they cannot read the cursive writing on the card you just recently sent them. Yet, these same children are the ones who will all be, all‑too‑soon, "running" our country!
That last statement should terrify us all! And I'm sorry to say that we have only to look at those who have "assumed" the head of power in our United States in 2021, to see what could be fully coming! (I LOVE that word, "ass‑u‑me". Because, when we divide it up, we see that anything "assumed" makes an "ass" of "u" and "me". Fitting, don't you think?!)
Our children of today have no idea what a "contiguous" United States is, how we came to settle here, why our freedom has mattered so much to so many. They have never been taught that from the first ships to land upon these shores, as well as all others who followed after, and that even though much life was lost at sea in those perilous journeys to this new land, the very first act of those pilgrims who landed here was to kneel down, and dedicate this land to God Almighty in humble prayer and thanksgiving.
Were they "perfect"? NO! None of us are! But they were seeking a new place, for a better way of living, that was greater than themselves. And once they landed here, they were determined to create their "Heaven on earth". And it was their FAITH that empowered them!
If it is true that the Jewish people were chosen by God (and they were), then it is also true that America's people chose God as America was being brought to life! Because the principles of Judaism were adopted here, and our forefathers wanted the Blessings of God, too! (Education moment: in all our Bibles, what scholars may call the Pentateuch for the first five books, is actually the Jewish Torah! These books were written by Moses on how to Live Holy in Life, as well as presenting a factural depiction of how the Nation of Israel grew, their errors, and how they are still being Guided!) How awesome then that God chose Israel, and America chose God!
Yet, our children of today don't even know enough to ask why they don't know these things, nor why they have not been taught. But how can you ask about something no one has ever even indicated to you that you should care about? I ache for America's children; for our children should NOT be the ones hanging their heads in shame!
Most people in their seventies know the facts of what I have shared above. My Prayer is that our children will begin to seek out the Knowledge that we have been given, learn from it, and pass it onto their children. I Hope there is still time to make a difference to save this dear country.
I love the quote: "Life is not about 'finding' yourself. LIFE is about CREATING yourself." attributed to George Bernard Shaw. But what it doesn't say is as important as what it does say, namely: YOU CREATE YOUR BEST SELF WHEN YOU ARE GIVING SOME PORTION OF YOURSELF AWAY! Life is not about thinking you are here to be gifted upon or catered to. No one "owes" anyone else anything. Rather, each of us are here to do for others, always. So say this slowly, "It's just that simple."
That doesn't mean we must take care of others who are not willing to do for themselves. Each one of us has our own tasks to perform, because this earth plane is a classroom. I am not allowed to do your homework, nor you mine. YOU get to do your homework, as do I my own! But our being here in this classroom together is where our flesh hopefully gives way to God's Way, so we may grow and revel in His true Joy, fullness of Love, and experience His unparallelled Blessings of Wisdom!
And, understand that each time we come to this earthly classroom, if we will Listen and Learn from our Father, we will become more Heavenly Minded in our Soul and Heart, and therefore, we will grow Wiser. But above all, it is the lessons of Love we are being taught as we, mingled with other earthly souls, connect to Him. We do what we can for others if and when we can: as when someone is in dire straights. But we are not meant to spend our lifetime kneeling to others, or serving them. Our kneeling is meant only for The Holiest of Holys. But we must be Gentle in our partings, for True Love is kind.
This fleshly body suit we wear is temporary. It is our "clothing" while we are here. But when we go back Home to our Father, even this flesh body is left behind. Like the bedraggled old suit with its pinholes and frayed pant legs, and the dress that is limp and with torn seams from wear, this "clothing" is so very temporary. However, our time here requires we wear this body suit; so we should treat it kindly, and learn the lessons it is teaching us ‑even those that can only come from pain, as in the lessons of forgiveness.
Life on this plane is much, much too short! So while we are here, what we are gathering in to take back Home should only be the most Beautiful Memories, and Tender Love stories that we can possibly create! How very important, then, that we make all of them good, and fill every Moment with Love! Because, the coquettish laugh, the wink of an eye, the vain and macho man, the promiscuous woman, and all the sex in the world will leave no lingering imprint within us for the panorama of Heaven.
Heaven is found only in a Singular, Reverential Love, not in the vanity or escapades of the body. But only in Reverential Love: be it in our marriages, or in Holy Love toward others. Yet, in our schools, our children are being taught raw poronography, and how only "sex" counts in life, along with money. But! It is only by Pure morals, NOT raw sex, NOT money, that we quite literally prepare our own Heaven... or hell.
I say this because Scripture makes it clear that God cannot even look upon evil. But, if He cannot, or will not, look upon it, then how can He "judge" it? He doesn't have to, Beloved! Each one of us is creating our own Destiny (or as they say in Yiddish, our "bashert": it was meant to be) of a Heaven, or hell, by every act of Love, or hate, that WE embrace and do.
Therefore, when such time comes that God closes the door on this period of time, only His Bride of Perfected Love will enter into His Eternal Home ‑and be surrounded in the Arms of His Greater LOVE forever! And we are living in a critically, nearly starved state, of needing such Love in all lands in this day and age. So, God forbid we allow the storms of yesterday's hells to wrap us in their grasps again!
Therefore, all the way through this site you will find presentations, as well as linked‑to sites, crucial for learning these facts for yourselves, and ‑for educating your young ones and grandchildren! I am going to make a special link page for many of these links in the near future; but there will always be links in the blogs I write also, which are pertinent to the information I am sharing as well. The very best education comes from within each of us when we are pursuing what we have been sent here to do, or come here to share.
That being said, in the following two presentations (that I am sharing below (and that are online for all who would choose to see), here is a glimpse of just some of the precious souls who thought this country was worth learning about, and fighting for, in word and deed. These Dear Souls went into battle knowing full well the price they might have to pay, and went anyway, laying down their lives upon foreign soils and within the waters of foreign seas.
America's finest young men and women chose to lay their lives down that we might keep this ONE FREE COUNTRY FREE! And not only free, but dedicated to the God Who Guided our forefathers to create the greatest Republic ever envisioned, and brought it to Life for posterity "if"...
The "if" of our United States has always been "if We The People" will remain watchful, and choose to keep evil at bay, away from our shores, and even from coming from within our own borders. Both scenarios signal the way that evil could do America harm in the internal workings of America's own hallowed halls of the House, Senate and Presidency. Remember, we Americans are, and were always meant to be, the bosses of our representatives -NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND!
So, doing my best, I have pulled the numbers of those souls killed in battle, or Missing In Action, from the ABMC (American Battle Monuments Commission); and most of these casualties of war are from WW I and WW II. I have done so, because I think to see such numbers lined up together, not just on the end of each cemetery view, has greater impact.
And I have pulled these numbers because we have become so jaded from the endless single and mutiple killings in America today that we have also become numb and insensitive toward death, no matter when, where, or even how it happens. For most of us, I think the sheer numbers of these victims such evil has destroyed, is truly too overwhelming. Yet today, Americans are killing Americans? WHY??
THIS SHOULD NOT BE, BECAUSE OUR FREEDOM HAS NEVER BEEN FREE AND THE LAST ONES WE SHOULD BE HURTING ARE THOSE WHO BELONG TO US!!! But our children, through the past 50+ years, have not been taught the cost to preserve this freedom! And drugs and alcohol have taken a HUGE toll on the sanity of our children.
For LIFE is HOLY! And truthfully, I see a future where the youngest of our children are beginning to wake up. But how grievous that it is the children who know they have been shortchanged! Don't believe me? TALK with the children! Ask them how they feel about how they are being raised! They will tell you!
I ache every time I talk to some child, because first I see the anger they hold toward their parents (because their parents have had each of them from some different man or woman even though, as a make believe "couple", they live in the same home). But, for these children, their pain and their shame of their own situation is just too great.
And it is so great that then, just as suddenly, they will always laugh it off with a pretend laugh and say, "Oh well! Everyone is raised that way today! Right?!" before they walk away from you. And I struggle to hold back my tears because THEY should not feel that guilt!
And then, I'm left to wonder again: WHY have we shown our children nothing but endless, blatant sin, telling them that this is "normal", when these Darlings have just come from the Loving and Safe Arms of their Heavenly Father? Does anyone honestly think these children do not simply just know the difference? INNOCENCE IS A MARVELLOUS THING! How can we do this to them? If a child knows when a "touch" is inappropriate (and they do!), then they also know when any and ALL adult actions are inappropriate or wrong!
The children of today know they need strength of character and a great education! They also know they need the moral foundations that generations before them have always brought forward: namely, a solid 'we are bound together in a till‑death‑us‑do‑part marriage', in a two‑part, opposite‑sex parent home... and being taught the Love stories about a Glorious Saviour!
Yet, for the pain I have witnessed in the children of our America, these children are the ONE Hope I have for America right now. Because they do see what is wrong; and they are the ones questioning the reasoning behind the 'why?'
And because they are seeking and questioning, these are the children I will Pray I can help, that I might show them that there has always been a better way! I want to show them that the lives that have been Sacrificed upon the cross of Freedom for this great country, were laid down so that they could continue to live in the FREEDOM these souls died to leave ‑ to them!
So then, here is the first of many such sites I will hope to present to those who come here, including the very youngest of our children. I pray that you will read, or watch, at least some of these, and then please ask yourselves, 'What can I do to bring my FREE America back?'
Because education never needs to be given to you. Education is what you learn because YOU seek it out, and take it for yourself! And I can guarantee you, in deciding to educate yourself, the knowledge that you seek out for yourself ‑and combine to apply with common sense, will always carry you further than any thing else in this world!
Quick note: before you head to the ABMC site. Right below is the listing of Sacrificial Lives of Love you need to see. Then check out the ABMC and there you can read of these that I posted. The only "monument only" sites I have listed are the ones that note the MIAs or POWs that fell and died, or were imprisoned at the hands of the enemies and died, in the areas where the monuments have been erected.
By the way, a very plausible story, and why our hideous
pull out of Afghanistan needs to be rectified immediately.
And here is the presentation from the
~ ABMC ~
American Battle Monuments Commission
I will soon be loading links to much of the material I quote
and use. For there are great archives of American,
and world events,
still being kept
for posterity.
I have always believed
the greatest "sin"
is to bypass

below is explanation of paragraph 3.
Please excuse me a moment while I explain something. I am a wordsmith. Most people would use the word "demonstration" in such sentences as above. But I have done a strikethrough with a purpose. Look at that word: demonstration. How can you possibly not see, as do I, this word: demon‑stration. The word "stration", as a suffix (on the end), basically means "example".
So, a demon‑stration is an example of any demon‑ic, or evil activity, used as a way of dividing a thing (such as the concept of FREEDOM), a nation, or a people (be it religion, or race.) And, an illustraton is an example of an ILLU‑mination, or, as it is interpreted in Latin, an "I will SHINE!" moment. As an "Illumination" of anything, its Illustrative purpose in SHINING is to erase the shadows of untruth, darkness and division, and bring a thing, or people, TOGETHER ‑as in UNISON, AGREEMENT, COMPACT, UNITED, PLEDGE, CONCORD, ALLIED, HARMONY, ACCORD, PROMISE, COVENANT... and ONENESS! And, it is a masculine form.
How extraordinary that the one word means something of division, and the other, means the practice of being INDIVISIBLE (impossible to break into pieces), therefore showing, and setting before us, a better example, or path, to follow. And, in fact, the only WAY to a Higher WISDOM, LIGHT, or UNITY, is the Becoming of ONE with the God‑head from Whom we are all Created! And the only place I know to find such examples of such total Oneness are in the Word of God, the Holy Bible.
Just as an "aside" which I find quite ironic, for those of you who understand. In 2006, "Stration" was the name that was given to a new malware family that affected microsoft windows computers as WORMS and that propagated variants of itself through servers to computers and back to servers, etc., every 30 minutes. And each time it did so, it changed form! (It was called both "Stratio" and "Warezov", and it propagated through 33% of eMails! It was one of the worst malware viruses to hit computers.) And you didn't believe demonic worms existed! (RETURN ABOVE)